1st Semester

IPERCUBO and Federico Luger (FL Gallery) | Wizard are thrilled to announce a shared programme of exhibitions from January through July 2022 in their new gallery space in Corso di Porta Ticinese 87, Milan.

January 25-February 19, IPERCUBO presents Sarah Ciracì, Technocentric

-February 22-March 22, Federico Luger (FL Gallery) presents Attila Szucs, Duplicated Dreamer

April, group show in collaboration IPERCUBO-Federico Luger (FL Gallery)

May, IPERCUBO presents Ivan Grubanov

June, Federico Luger (FL Gallery) presents Edgar Orlaineta

July, group show in collaboration Federico Luger (FL Gallery) – IPERCUBO

September, IPERCUBO presents Giuseppe Stampone, Alan Silvestri, curated by Edoardo Monti and Giuseppe Stampone.


Corso di Porta Ticinese, 87 Milan